Seed Fund
A diversified fund of pre-seed & seed investments.
- HomeInvest in entrepreneurial companies at the earliest stage where the opportunities for value creation are typically highest and company valuations are usually at their lowest
- Home~50-100 venture investments made over ~12-18 months— diversified by sector, geography, lead investor
- HomeReserves ~25% to pursue follow-on opportunities in the most promising portfolio investments
- HomeInvestments sourced by a team of dedicated investing professionals. our network of handpicked Super-Angels, AV's 600k+ supporters, and other AV funds
See video policy below.
8 Funds
8 Funds
distinct offerings
community members
Figures represent 8 funds offered during 2022 and investors and community across all Focused Funds since inception.
AV’s Seed Advantages
- HomeTeam of experienced investors, located on East and West Coast
- HomeInternational network of independent Super-Angels, sharing investment opportunities in various sectors and regions
- HomeNetwork of 600K+ supporters who provide advice, referrals, connections
- HomeRobust support to entrepreneurs through our CEO Services
- HomeInterest and ability to support our most promising companies in follow-on rounds

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Seed Fund News
Content at the intersection of entrepreneurship, venture capital, and specific industry sectors.
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- HomeFund Information
- HomePerformance data
- HomeInvestor Rewards
- HomeFund Policies
Meet the Team
- Fund Team
- Super-Angels
- Venture Fellows
- AV Support Team
Seed Fund Portfolio
We invest alongside other established venture firms in a broad range of ventures to help build you a diversified venture portfolio.
- Abatable
- Akiba Digital
- Akorda
- Alba
- Alix
- Allset
- AltoIRA
- Anycart
- Apprentice Health
- Artiphon
- Audioshake
- Audit Sight
- Banana
- Bandit ML
- Bateau
- BetterYou.ai
- BigRoom
- BlastPoint
- Boston Geospatial
- Breach Insured
- Busy Co
- CareSwitch
- Centered
- Civic Eagle
- Cloud Agronomics
- CompScience (fka Kinetic Eye)
- CoScreen
- Crown Affair
- Cube Software
- DevSentient
- Diamond Age
- Digisure
- Divibank
- Dough
- Downstream Impact
- Driveway
- Duality
- E25Bio
- Emme
- Expectful
- F0cal
- Feedcast
- FourFront
- Front Financial
- Funnel IQ
- Geospiza
- GoGig
- Grafiti
- Graphite
- Grata
- Green Check Verified
- Gridwise
- Hatch Apps
- Health Hero
- Health Note
- Here
- Honcho
- Humanly
- InspiraFutures
- Integry
- Kea
- Klasha
- Kognition
- Kolors
- Leaftail Labs
- Lingohealth
- Longéve Brands
- Mage
- Mahmee
- Marine Snow
- Mayan Analytics
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Investor portfolio data is updated once per quarter in the AV Investor Portal.
Access Fund Materials
- HomeFund information
- HomePerformance data
- HomeSpeak with our team
Review on your own, chat online, or speak with our team.