VC/Unpacked #7

Motivation | January 2021

Written by

Michael Collins

Published on


2 min

This series curates great content that folks interested in entrepreneurism and venture capital should explore. Some are from my own must list; others have been suggested by our community.

Have a recommendation? Tell us about it.

Hi AVG Community,

Insight into human motivation is a superpower that great leaders either inherently possess or have developed through hard work. In VC, it’s particularly important in not only running our firm, but evaluating investments. COVID-19 has accelerated some trends that address the very nature of work—important topics all of us are facing. Below, I share a few of my favorite current discussions on motivation.

Venture on,

– Mike Collins


Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

By Daniel Pink

Daniel Pink is a master of overturning conventional thinking on business and human behavior. This best-selling assessment of motivation is no exception. Pink demonstrates that the carrot-and-stick approach has very limited application.  Instead, he argues that autonomy, mastery, and purpose are key to having a motivated teammate. Pink’s lessons not only apply to work, but to any personal endeavor. For an engaging TED Talk on the topic, click here.



Dear HBR: Motivating Employees

Hosted by Dan McGinn & Alison Beard

Dear HBR can catch folks off guard who are expecting a strictly professorial, academic approach. This podcast blends expert interview with a bit of Dear Abby. In this episode, Dan McGinn and Alison Beard take questions from their listeners on employee motivation and speak to Case Western Reserve University management professor Richard Boyatzis to help employers understand how to make employees feel more invested. Chatty, opinionated, and a bit free-wheeling, the conversation also surfaces some genuinely helpful insights.



Post-Covid Environments: The Office Will Never Be The Same


Post-Covid is impacting team unity and motivations, while disrupting some of our usual go-to solutions for keeping employees energized and in sync. What is the role of the office? How flexible should employers be? How can we communicate culture virtually? These and myriad other questions are being explored by executives and employees in real time. Here are a few resources giving insights into challenges and opportunities:

Alumni Ventures is a network-powered venture firm helping accredited individuals become more successful venture investors.  Alumni Ventures was the most active venture capital investor in the U.S. in 2020 (per Pitchbook 2020 Global League Tables).